Subject Lines

Email Subject lines are the most powerful marketing text you will write.

The goal of an email subject line is NOT to describe what is inside the email.
The goal of an email subject line is to entice the recipient to OPEN your email.

Keep your email subject lines to 35 characters max (including spaces).

This will allow the full subject line to appear on mobile devices even if the recipient has their text size set to large.

Write 5 subject lines for each email you plan to send.

Writing multiple subject lines has several advantages. Knowing you have 5 chances prevents you from getting creatively blocked. This process also helps you hone in on the value of your email to your customers. Finally, multiple subject lines makes it easy to A/B test them, and help you improve your subject line writing specifically for your audience.

**REMEMBER TO CHANGE the subject line when you re-send a campaign to a subscriber who did not open the first one.


Email Preview Text